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Sarah Surgey

A children’s book that explores the feelings of grief and loss.

Originally written as a tool for other teachers and therapists to use with children during Covid, it quickly became a storybook that was acquired by many foreign publishers, making it a global book.

What has set this book apart from other books on grief is the collaborations with charities, NGO’s, and crisis centres. It has for two years running been shortlisted as one of the top 30 grief books.

Enid has just lost her Grandpa and is struggling with all of the feelings that are whirling around inside her head. She is carrying a very heavy backpack that holds some special items of emotional worth to her and her grandpa. As Enid walks on her journey, she comes across various people. One by one they encourage Enid to talk about how she is feeling, and when she does, they remove an item from her bag.

The metaphor is strong: the more Enid shares how she is feeling, the more people help lighten her load. The grief does not go away, but it feels a little easier to carry.

Enid is a proactive protagonist, understanding how to explore her own grief and allowing others to help.

The book has been used in an official collaboration by UNICEF in Germany. A UNICEF workshop will take place within a refugee camp. An audiobook was produced to raise funds for DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) Ukraine appeal. The book is also used within women’s refuges across the UK and grief centres around Europe. In the UK, The Heavy Bag has been recognised as an ‘Emotional Support Book’ by ELSA support (emotional literacy support assistant).

My house, my home, published by Van Driel Publishing, is about Lara’s ordinary house, one of those that everyone has in their street. And how jealous Lara is of the beautiful and nice houses of her friends!

Fortunately Grandma knows what to do. She takes Lara on a long search through the house. And guess what? Her boring house is very special because of the many treasures and memories she discovers in it! 

Like Lara, readers will realise that it doesn’t matter if you live in a townhouse, an apartment or a boat… It’s the people who live in it and everything they experience together that make your home the most special place. 

My house, my home is a wonderfully large picture book (24 x 24 cm) to look at for hours and to read before going to sleep many times!

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