Nadège Margaud

Nadège Margaud has been writing stories ever since she was a child. She published her first collection of poems about celtic mythology in 2004. Then she followed the breton storms and now she walks side by side with her heroines in this little world's end on the roads of Imagination and History.
Happily sowing romance, magic and uchrony, with a little bit of humanist utopy, Nadège published a trilogy of historical fantasy, "Les Amants des Pierres Levées", at Bookmark publishing house in 2020-2021. In 2023 will be published a Christmas romance, "La tête dans le sapin".
In 2021, she was nominated in the Emergences contest, organised by the Charte des auteurs et illustrateurs jeunesse, with her short story "Fleurs de Terre". In this story she explores a troubled but hopeful future. Her first children's book, "Le trésor du manteau rouge", was published in J'aime Lire magazine in March 2023.